$9.99. This works out at 7 cents a day!
Hop Froggy Hop - to encourage correct repetitions
Teach a Doll - a diagnostic game
Chance - helps with focus
Stack the Deck - cuts verbal criticism
Dolls’ Concert - how to be creative with an old favourite
Chicken Challenge - for left and right hand skills
Spring Puzzles - lucky dip
Do You Think it’s Perfect? - for self discrimination
Take a Big Step - insuring more correct than incorrect repetitions
Shredding Machine - licensed destruction
Dice Game - deal with 2 trouble spots at once & have some fun with it
Pick-Up-Sticks - a little creativity creates correct repetitions
A Pat on the Back - the best praise for self discrimination & self motivation
Hop Froggy Hop - to encourage correct repetitions
Teach a Doll - a diagnostic game
Chance - helps with focus
Stack the Deck - cuts verbal criticism
Dolls’ Concert - how to be creative with an old favourite
Chicken Challenge - for left and right hand skills
Spring Puzzles - lucky dip
Do You Think it’s Perfect? - for self discrimination
Take a Big Step - insuring more correct than incorrect repetitions
Shredding Machine - licensed destruction
Dice Game - deal with 2 trouble spots at once & have some fun with it
Pick-Up-Sticks - a little creativity creates correct repetitions
A Pat on the Back - the best praise for self discrimination & self motivation