Players: 2
Time to Play: 5 minutes
What you need:
- 1 game board
- 1 or 2 brown rhythm dice
- Writing utensil or 5 game pieces for each player
Objective: tic tac toe, three in a row
During your turn:
- First player rolls one brown rhythm die and puts an “X” (or their game piece) on the note that was rolled.
- The second player rolls the die and puts an “0” (or their game piece) on the note that was rolled.
- If the note that is rolled has already been crossed out roll again until the note that is rolled is on the board.
Winning the game: First player to X or 0 three in a row is the winner. If neither player gets three in a row it’s a draw. Try again.
Variation: play the same but with two brown dice. The rhythm combinations will be harder to roll so the game will be longer.